Collection: Magic School- School Holiday Program

Inspired by multiple fantasy stories, plus the addition of our own illusions and mythology, this is a holiday program not to be missed!

Our school holiday program consists of changing rooms and characters to produce a fully immersive magic school experience. No day will be the same when your professors take you on a wild journey into the magical world of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The beautiful venue also boasts 4 acres of parkland, a wild magic oak tree and play ground.

Due to the nature of our extremely realistic classes we recommend all students are in primary school. We recommend our classes for mature 5YOs - 13YO. On the day we do separate ages (unless siblings or friendship groups which we will check on the day). Our classes are split into small sizes of 12 per class. This is a drop off theatrical experience with all actors with children’s checks and first aid.

Full day program including hot lunch of pizza.

Ticket cost $85

Please also bring snacks and water bottles.